HANS: My Life in Fairy Tales
Premiering in 2025

NEW for 2025: this new work from Kidoons by Craig Francis and Rick Miller and, the creators of the hit multimedia family plays Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (Off-Broadway 2016, international tour), Jungle Book (Florida-California 2018, Canada / US international tour 2019-20 including Off-Broadway), and FRANKENSTEIN: A Living Comic Book (Canadian Tour 2022-24). A delight for school children, grownups, and the whole family.
Age Range: 4+
a Kidoons and WYRD production in association with The 20K Collective
HANS: My Life in Fairy Tales
Written and Directed by Craig Francis and Rick Miller
Adapted from the works of Hans Christian Andersen
Annie Luján*: Young Hans
Adam Paolozza*: Adult Hans
Heeyun Park*: Old Hans
Craig Francis*: Co-writer/ Co-Director / Stage Manager
Rick Miller*: Co-writer/ Co-Director / Production Manager
Jeff Lord: Executive Producer
Melanie McNeill: Props / Costumes / Puppets Designer
Irina Litvinenko: Multimedia Designer
Aidan Ware: Lighting Designer / Technical Director
Rick Miller, Craig Francis: Set Designers
Rick Miller: Sound Designer
Alexina Louie: Original Music Composer / Music Arrangement
Alex Palk: Additional Music Arrangement
Matti Pulkki: Accordion Music
Michael Bridge: Additional Accordion Music
Michael Scholar, Jr.: Assistant Director / Artistic Consultant
Paul Van Dyck: Artistic Consultant
Illustrations: Irina Litvinenko, Craig Francis
Still Photography: Aidan Ware
Select Video Clips: Deco Dawson
USA / MEXICO BOOKING AGENT: Robin Klinger Entertainment, New York RobinKlingerEntertainment.com
CANADA BOOKING AGENT: Craig Francis & Rick Miller
INT'L BOOKING AGENT: Menno Plukker Theatre Agent (with Isaïe Richard and Magdalena Marszalek)
LOGOGRAPH: Graphic Design and Marketing
OFFICIAL SITE: hanstheshow.com
SOCIAL: @kidoons
For Booking Details, Tour routing, full-length Archival Videos, Scripts, Study Guides, Press Kits, and Tech Riders, please contact:
Robin Klinger: (516) 318-5405
HANS: My Life in Fairy Tales was developed with assistance from the Canada Council for the Arts.
*Kidoons and WYRD Productions engage, under the terms of the Independent Theatre Agreement, professional Artists who are members of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association. HANS: My Life in Fairy Tales is presented under the Reciprocal Agreement Between Actors' Equity Association of the United States and Canadian Actors' Equity Association.